


The Liassidi Hotel is located on the border between the Castello and San Marco districts in Venice.

Situated at the foot of the Ponte dei Greci bridge near the Riva degli Schiavoni, the hotel is not far from Piazza San Marco, the perfect position at the heart of ‘real’ Venice in an enviably peaceful spot away from the well-trodden tourist routes, yet within walking distance of the city’s shopping district. It’s also close to the city’s main sightseeing attractions and the Castello and Arsenale districts where the famous Venice Biennale is held.

Walking along the Riva degli Schiavoni (2 minutes away) you’ll see the San Marco basin, an amazing treasure chest of monumental masterpieces scattered along the banks like precious stones: the church on the San Giorgio island, the Chiesa della Madonna della Salute and Chiesa della Redentore. Further along from this breath-taking vista you’ll come to the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace) and Piazza San Marco (St Mark’s Square) – “the world’s finest drawing room” dominated by the extraordinary façade and bell tower of the Basilica.

Passing under the Torre dell’Orologio (clock tower) towards the Rialto, you come to the Calle delle Mercerie, a shopping district with a rich variety of merchandise on offer, from Murano glass to leather goods and elegant international designer boutiques.

Below the famous bridge of the same name, the Rialto district with its fish market and small shops is a bustling area; after dark the Erbaria hot spots overlooking the Grand Canal come to life with young people who meet up in the bars and clubs to animate the nighttime scene.



  From Santa Lucia Railway Station and from Piazzale Roma:

– by TAXI private water vessel to the landing point of the hotel. We recommend that you agree on a price before embarking and check that the taxi is authorised (recognisable by the yellow strip on the sides and the concession number).

– by VAPORETTO (public transport service) across the Giudecca Canal, San Zaccaria stop. After docking, please see the detailed route on the map in PDF format.

  From the Tronchetto (Car Terminal):

– by VAPORETTO (public transport service), across the Giudecca Canal until you come to the San Zaccaria stop then proceed as above.

  From Venice’s Marco Polo Airport:

– by PRIVATE WATER TAXI as far as the Hotel. We recommend that you agree on a price before you embark and check that the taxi is authorised (recognisable by the yellow strip on the sides and the concession number).

– By ATVO or ACTV shuttle bus as far as Piazzale Roma and then by VAPORETTO as far as the San Zaccaria landing point. After docking, please see the detailed route on the map in PDF format.

– By the VAPORETTO ALILAGUNA which, leaving from the dock of the Airport, reaches San Zaccaria from where you can proceed as above.

  From Treviso’s San Giuseppe Airport

A shuttle service connects Treviso airport with Piazzale Roma in Venice in correspondence with the major flights. From Piazzale Roma you can take the VAPORETTO (public transport system) across the Giudecca canal, getting off at San Zaccaria.
After docking, please see the detailed route on the map in PDF format.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call!
From the Liassidi Palace Hotel, your transfer is easily arranged thanks to the nearby landing for water taxis originating from the main car terminal at Piazzale Roma, the Santa Lucia train station and the Marco Polo Venice airport.